ER34615-4S2P+HPC15504S Battery pack belongs to cold weather battery pack
ER34615 and HPC1550 are connected in parallel. the two voltage is always the same, external power supply, HPC1550 bear most of the current output; Staatilisel töötamisel on ER34615 avatud vooluahela pingel instinkt tõusta ja see tekitab kondensaatoriga koheselt pingeerinevuse, moodustades laengu, kuid see on vaid tasakaalupunkti hetk. Nii tõmbab ER korduvalt kogu akupaki pinget üles, kuni pinge jõuab 3,66V-ni ja seda ei saa enam tõmmata ja tasakaalustada. Enne järgmise impulsi saabumist loputab ER34615 HPC1550 sobiva pingeni, kuna HPC tühjendusvõimsus vastab pingele. This cycle is repeated until the ER battery capacity is exhausted to ensure that the battery life and discharge capacity within the estimated range.
Low temperature batteries performance characteristics:
Fast voltage response (no voltage lag)
High reliability (laser welding, Glass-to-metal seal, can adapt to wet environment, prevent leakage)
Excellent storage (10 years)
The performance of the battery pack is guaranteed at the end of its life
Safe and reliable, environmental protection (UL, UN, IEC, ROHS)
Low temperature can be normal load power supply